In today's competitive world, business graduates enjoy an edge over other graduates in terms of job placement. So there has been a craze for business education in recent times. Even after studying such prestigious subjects like Economics, English, Physics or technical subjects like Applied Physics, engineering or medicine, many are trying to obtain business education, especially BBA and MBA degree. Here are some tips about what you should keep in mind in choosing which institute to go for MBA or BBA. First, you should consider how the graduates of that particular institute are doing in the job market. See how many of the graduates are well placed in the job market. Second, try to know about the image of that particular institute in the eyes of the prospective employers. If the image of the institute is good, you will have higher chance of being employed immediately after your study is complete. Third, collect information about the intake of that particular institute. The peers who will be studying with you is a great factor; they are the ones who will be making the culture of your institute. Fourth, the faculty of that institute is an important factor. You should consider their academic background---whether they have corporate experience, how much link they have with the corporate world. Fifth, factors like how strict the faculties are in grading the students should be taken into consideration. If you see students are easily obtaining good grades, you will understand the institute lacks in strictness. Sixth, if it is a private university, cost is a great factor. If you choose a reputed university like North South University or East West University, you have to count a lot. You must be cautious about your capability to pay the cost. In case you are not able, you can go for less costly universities which have comfortable mode of payment. Remember, these days many universities will tell you about less cost of the university initially, but once you enter the university, you will find the management is demanding higher charge in the name of collecting different fees. Seventh, consider the scholarships provided by the university, if it a private one. These days you will find universities are providing 100% or 50% waiver for the students who will be doing brilliant result while studying. Eighth, see whether the syllabus of the university is of international standard. Ninth, see whether the university has a credit transfer facility. It would be really good if you can transfer your credit to some other universities at home or in abroad. Be sure that the university you can transfer your credit to is of better standard compared to the present one. Tenth, you should also consider the administrative activities of the institute. You should see how much transparent the administration is since you will have frequent interaction with them. Eleventh, consider whether the university has a good arrangement for accommodation for you, in case you need it. The private universities that have good accommodation facilities are University of Development Alternative, South East University, Asian University of Bangladesh, University of Business Agriculture and Technology, and BGC Trust University. Eleventh, consider if there is scope for extra-curricular activities. It would be really a plus for your career if you have involvements in such activities.