Holding a free and fair election is not only essential to form a government that is representative of the people. It is also a prerequisite to establish good governance in the country. But in the present context, it has been hard to believe that the next parliamentary election would be a free and fair one. Many people now express doubt about its neutrality after watching the political developments and different decisions of the government in the last couple of months. Starting from the appointment of Chief Election Commissioner, the EC, so far, has not taken steps that could ensure a favourable election environment for all. There are allegations of manipulation in the EC activities. But influential cabinet members of the government claimed that the EC has been working without interference. And for that reason, they said that there was no need for giving freedom to the EC. What they wanted to hide, has, however, come out after the recent visit by two high-ranking representatives of the US and the European Union. They have come up with identical views on the country's upcoming election after holding series of meetings with key political leaders and representatives of the civil societies. They laid importance on the holding free and fair voting and said the next election is very crucial and critical for democracy, economic development and stability of the country. They highlighted the naked truth that we everyone except the ruling and opposition parties knows. The truth is about their confrontational nature of divisive politics. Until the date, as we do not view any positive development from either of the sides, it is now hard to believe that the next election would be free and fair. But the above-mentioned visitors also hinted that the next parliamentary election would be crucial and critical for democracy, economic development and stability of the country. Mahmud Karim Dhanmondi Dhaka