MILLIONS of people watch over television the programme under the title "Kaun Banega Crorepati" i.e. who will be millionaire? -- conducted by Indian film Megastar, Mumbais Amitabh Bachchan. I was very much impressed when he was giving minute details of official corruption in stages, movement of files, concerned people's behaviour and so on. Bangladesh is no exception since we have become corruption champion five times at a stretch. It is, rather, a continuity of championship that has been maintained by the present government! The law makers of the country as Jatiya Sangsad members were allowed tax-free import of cars and this is a kind of corruption or bribe, I believe, since all Bangladeshis are equal in the eyes of law and are entitled to getting the same sort of facilities. Electoral pledges were made during the JS elections in respect of eradication of corruption. But nothing has really happened so far. In India, the CBI authority works independently, can arrest anybody, can search any house or safe deposit locker, can prosecute without Prime Minister's approval (which is required in Bangladesh), have CBI courts and so on. Even Narashinga Rao, while in office, was questioned by the CBI people. However, one may mention here the case of Alen Johnson Sirilaq, the Iron lady. She has been elected as the president of Liberia, Africa. Former president of Liberia Charles Taylor was elected in 1997 and he had to leave the country in view of internal pressures created by the people in respect of corrupt practices by the government. The UN security council did issue notices to all the member-countries of the UN to impound all assets of Charles Taylor and other two dozen colleagues who fled out of the country along with money or so. Under the above-mentioned circumstances, should the BNP government should request UN agencies to impound or confiscate the assets of Bangladeshis who managed to transfer assets illegally abroad starting from 1972 to 2005. Further, all governments may be asked individually to inform the government of Bangladesh about assets of Bangladeshis in foreign countries so that the source and roots of money can be ascertained. Let the government do something real and practical as mere preaching and praying will not increase our image outside. We may criticise the IMF, the WB, the ADB, the EU and other agencies but the fact remains that a day labourer or rickshawpuller contributes indirectly to bear the burden of the inflated cost of petrol or diesel partially, though luxury car-owners do largely enjoy the benefits of the existing policy measures. This is a lamentable reality, I believe! Mahbubar Rahman 34, Khan A Sabur Road, Khulna