Bangladesh voiced the LDCs' concerns at a UN conference on climate change here and called for urgent actions to cut emissions and for immediate and adequate funding and resources for adaptation needs and priorities, reports BSS. "Implementation of NAPAs will need immediate funding. If voluntary contributions are not working, then binding commitments may need to be considered to secure adequate funds," said Bangladesh delegation leader ambassador Rafiq Ahmed Khan at Montreal, according to a report received in the city. He was making a statement on behalf of LDCs at the opening plenary of a three-day high-level ministerial segment of United Nations conference on climate change opened by Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin yesterday. The opening plenary was chaired by the conference President and Canadian Environment Minister Stephane Dion. G 77 chair Jamaican Land Minister Dean Peart, UK Environment Minister Margaret Beckett, a number of UN body chiefs and leaders of different groups also made statements. Ambassador Rafiq also called for compensation for damages due to unavoidable adverse impacts of climate change. Describing technology development and transfer as the key to attain success in addressing climate change, the leader of Bangladesh delegation suggested concrete actions to support development of technology, particularly adaptation technologies and facilitate access to environmentally friendly technologies in order to substantially reduce GHG emissions. He also emphasised the need for promotion of pro-poor Clean Development Mechanism projects having high sustainable development benefits, building capacity of LDC countries especially under Kyoto Protocol, and funding for technology transfer. Ambassador Rafiq is leading a 14-member Bangladesh delegation which earned appreciation for its hard work to push through the concerns of the Southern countries at this conference.