Designing rooms for teenagers is a big challenge. Sometimes, they don't know what they want, but they certainly seem to immediately know what they do not want. A key factor when designing and decorating a teenager's room is providing enough storage space. One can custom-build a TV cabinet to store computers, printers, TVs, VCR, DVD, stereo and speakers. Built-ins, room dividers, under-the-bed drawers and window-seat storage, are all easy ways to help keep the room nice and clean with storage units. Choosing the right colour and fabric scheme is also important. The influence of the media is stronger than ever before and teens want things as stylish as they see them on the screen. Bright, bold colours are very hot right now. They want things, especially in fabrics, that are sophisticated but not those that look like they should be in their parents' room. The higher-end trends are minimalistic, along with contemporary; things are very simplistic," Simple details will add personality and style to a teen room. Additional items should include currently popular posters, cool lamps, candles and a guest area or separate seating area for reading. Including a bulletin board for photos, calendars and mementos is a good idea. Teenagers don't want to be reminded of childhood, they want a more adult look. Their bedrooms should be spaces where they can grow and explore their interests, hobbies and friendships. It is also important for their self-esteem to have a space of their own. As these years are some of the most important for education and exams, anything that encourages studying has to be good. A desk is essential and doubtless, a computer too. A specific place in the bedroom for study - perhaps a raised area - will help put a teenager in the right frame of mind for schoolwork. As less headroom is needed for sitting at a desk, a platform with some storage space below can also be designed. A change of flooring will also add to the impression of entering an area where a different function or activity is taking place. Colour scheme is very important for a teenager. Soft and gentle green and blue are great for a room as they represent peace and are soothing to the eyes. They are good for a peaceful night's sleep and that is the most important job of the bedroom. Too many teenagers are sleep-deprived and their rooms are full of distractions and noises that are unsettling on the body. Other colour choices are beige, tan, pastel yellow and peach. Linens for the bed are important. Choose soft colours for the bedsheets and something bold for the bedspread. Teenagers do a great deal of homework on their beds. Yellow and orange are good for the bedspread as they spark creativity and keep the mind focused. A teenager wants bold colours on the walls. Compromise with bold floor pillows and bed pillows. Have outrageous colours that bring the specific colour energies to life. Orange is a great colour to sit on when doing creative work such as art, school projects, etc. Light bulbs can make a mood. Use green lights to soften the room when relaxing and listening to music. Use yellow or white bulbs when homework needs to be completed. Place items that are blue and black in the north of the room to stimulate a thirst for knowledge and success. The most important thing is a good desk as education is an important criterion during this phase of life. Teenage years are most trying as the levels of exposure is very high in the present environment. No teenager should be allowed to lock up his or her room for long and the parents must keep an eye on the friends, his or her activities and the attitudes as any wrong association or influence can take toll on the life of the teenager and also the parents. Treat your teenage sons/daughters as your friends and share everything with them. Treat them as adults and don't ever police them. Separate room for a teenager enhances his or her self-esteem. Teens like to go for bright colours in fabric. They like to have popular posters, lamps, candles. They want separate study area, bulletin board for photos, calendars and mementos. A TV cabinet that can hold all the electronic gadgets and a computer is unavoidable. Design their rooms to let them explore their interests. ............ Internet