NEW DELHI, Nov 15 (PTI): Fresh from the Dhaka SAARC Summit, India's Prime Minister Manmohan Singh asked South Asian nations Tuesday to show the resolve and maturity to grasp opportunities to become a major engine of growth for the global economy. "I sincerely believe that India and its neighbours have a shared destiny. Our poverty and prosperity are indivisible. I am concerned about where our region is headed. It has the potential to become one of the engines of the global economy in the 21st century," he said at a conference organised by Hindustan Times newspaper here. But, he warned "we could miss that bus". Singh said that the region must show the resolve and the maturity to grasp the opportunities at hand that could enable all to seek a bright future for everyone. "India wants all its neighbours to walk with her into a brighter future. Our prosperity will be their prosperity. Their progress will be our progress," he observed. Another report by AP adds, Manmohan Singh, in a frank assessment of India's problems, Tuesday deplored the country's lack of infrastructure, poor education levels, corrupt bureaucracy and hidebound traditions. But none of this will detract the government from pursuing economic liberalization that has already made India one of the fastest growing economies in the world, Singh said in a speech to a leadership forum.