RANGPUR, July 02: There has been a bumper production of Boro in the 16 northern districts including greater Rangpur and Dinajpur region during the current season, sources said. Official sources says that the yield rate is more than the target set earlier as the farmers brought over 97 percent land under farming of hybrid and high yielding varieties (HYV) crops. According to sources the farmers have produced an additional 4,47,500 tonnes Boro rice (from 6,71,000 tonnes paddy) as they brought 40,000 hectares more than the target this year in the region despite some adverse situation like erratic power supply, shortage of irrigation facilities, scarcity and price hike of fertiliser during the peak period of Boro farming. Sources at the Department of Agriculture Extension (DAE) said a target of 51,26,050 tonnes Boro rice (from 76,89,080 tonnes paddy) from 14, 09,543 hectares was fixed for the region. Farmers have brought 14,49,644 hectares of land under Boro farming in 16 northern districts which is 40,101 hectares more than the target. A total production of 55,73,400 tonnes Boro rice (83,60,085 tonnes paddy) is expected this year in the region that is 8.68 percent higher than the fixed production target, an all time record bumper production, sources added.