"Lust Border" has temporarily lost its censor certificate because of obscenity. They say censor vigilantes had found the prohibited "cutpiss" added to the film while it was being shown at Rupali cinema hall in Bhandha Thana under Narayanganj district. Prints of "Lust Border" were also seized from Feni's Canon cinema hall for the same reasons. The cast of "Lust Border" includes Omit Hasan, Shanu, Bijoy Khan, Shagor, Manic, Shiba-Shanu, Danny-Raj, Bobby and Nasreen. However no one can tell for sure who is the producer of "Lust Border". Some say it is M.A. Rahim while others say it is Babul Ahmed Sultan. Some even say that the actual producers are M.A. Rahim and Crane Zaman. However, it is almost certain that Feroze Khandakar is the director of the film. So what is "Lust Border" like actually? What do the fans say? Kalu rickshaw-puller: "A vast, gusty, turbulent cataract of a movie…you will laugh and cry with "Lust Border", you will protest at the high flying fancies in it, be sickened by the occasional obscenity and overwhelmed by scenes of great lyrical beauty. But you will never, never be bored unless you are bored by life itself." Shaju bus conductor: "It ("Lust Border") is overwhelming in its effect, vital, often alarmingly candid and viewable to a hypnotic degree." Moushumi and Ferdaus are also working in a number of films which include "Shonar Moyna Pakhi" (Golden Mynah Bird), "Dhrubotara", "Brishti Bheja Akash" (Rain Wet Sky), "Ack Fool Dui Mali" (An Imbecile And Two Gardeners), "Dojjal Shashoorhi" (Tyrant Mother-in-Law) and "Chorom Tyag" (Ultimate Sacrifice). Meanwhile, some say that the ideas of our films come from inspired people subject to Bacchic frenzy (speaking in tongues), and, in the guise of ministers. They assert with some heat that this was the early view of musical worship. The following quotations come primarily from an old source. They provide background for an ancient sage's warning against singing and speaking in tongues in some ancient city now lost in antiquity. Some insist they understand why the old man said they would just look mad or insane. They say every example of music as a device of worship in some ancient scriptures is derived from or compared to the pagan practices which rejected the words of well meaning oracles and demanded a direct revelation from the gods delivered through something like speaking in tongues and often from the musical instrument as the actual idol. Speaking of the religious ritual condemned by many, some people are quick to note that the ritual in question did not originate in the Indian sub-continent and that it had an extremely long history extending at least from the pagan period and was prominently associated with the ancient cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. Good heavens. Do our filmmakers know all this? The same sources say that at least one ancient sage (these guys don't seem to have names) spoke from the conviction that social justice was an integral part of the Jumbala covenant, which regulates relations not only between pagan deities and people, but also among people. They don't explain the origin of the Jumbala but go on to insist that in pagan traditions, musical instruments were invented by gods or demi-gods, such as the "doittos" and the "danobs". — A Cine Viewer